The Band

Left to rightGeorges Couling aka ʻProfessor Coulkeysʼ: keys (itʼs not just a clever name) Brendan Krieg: drums Matt Reid: bass Jimmy Baldwin: guitar/vocals
Elaine ʻLil Bitʼ Shepherd: vocals

Terms like ʻdream teamʼ and ʻall-star groupʼ get thrown around a lot. Perhaps sometimes they are warranted. Sometimes not. Iʼm not going to pretend that anyone in this band is any kind of established superstar, legend or household name (although within the Vancouver music community they are well-known and well-respected; Elaine Shepherd is a 2011 Juno award recipient). Iʼm not even sure if I care about any of that. What I do know, and what I do care about, is that this band is comprised of some of the finest, most capable and hardest working musicians I know. More importantly, they are some of the best friends I could ever hope to have and we share a deep love and respect for one another. This is my dream team. I find one simple and effective term to describe what happens when this group of people join spirits and do what they do best: magic.


Take a minute and check out these fine sites belonging to these fine musicians!

Georges Couling:

Elaine Lil Bit Shepherd: