It’s almost Changing Time…


Being that this is my first blog post on my brand spankin’ new website, I feel like it ought to be a bit of introduction and a briefing as to what’s going on here. A couple of years ago I put a band together that included some of the best musicians I know. They also happen to be some of my best friends. We have way too much fun together (this is overwhelmingly evident in every performance we do). I kept writing songs, we kept having fun. After seeing a stripped down (trio) version of the band perform, my friend and mentor Stephen Fisk insisted that he record us. We got to work on an EP. We started having way too much fun. I got to work on some more songs and the EP became an album. Now, with the ‘Changing Time’ album complete, I shift my focus toward getting it out and into the hands- and mp3 players- of listeners. Official release dates are coming soon but look for digital availability early this summer and a physical release by late summer. I look forward to you getting your very own copy. As the great Reggie Watts might say, “if you like things that you enjoy, you may find this palatable.”

This album- my first as a leader and songwriter- feels like a long time coming. I’ve never been more excited and I feel strongly about the heart and soul that everyone involved in this project poured into it. That said, I’ve always been focused primarily on live performance (perhaps why it’s taken until now to release my first record as a bandleader). I am a performing musician. I live to be onstage with my guitar and a few friends taking chances and creating something special in the moment- a shared experience between performer and audience that dissolves any barrier between the two and leaves everyone in the room feeling like they were part of something. Please watch out for upcoming shows so you can see for yourself what we do- live!

In the meantime, here’s a little clip of us messing around on ‘Bury the Hatchet’ in the studio. Can’t wait to hear ya singin’ along on the chorus at the next show!